Steve Largent

Steve Largent was born on September 28, 1954, at St. John’s Hospital in Tulsa, Oklahoma. He was the biggest baby in the ward, weighing in at 10 lbs. 4 oz. One of the nurses put a football in his crib saying, “This boy is going to be a football player!” It turns out she was exactly right!

Steve and his three younger brothers, Doug, Jeff, and Craig, all attended Putnam City schools. Steve graduated from Putnam City High School in 1972.

When asked what he remembered about his days in Putnam City, Steve said, “I remember getting a lecture by my third-grade teacher, Mrs. Griggs, because I didn’t do my paper correctly. I remember the sweet smell of delicious homemade cinnamon rolls fresh from our school cafeteria (and they only cost 10 cents!). I remember President Kennedy getting shot, I remember drag races on N.W. Expressway in my ‘65 VW bug, and I remember home economics class where I learned to sew and cook (I even made a tie and a pair of pants!). I remember Young Life and FCA (the sponsors, Scott and Ann Manley, changed my life for eternity). I remember high school pep rallies and getting to wear my jersey on game days, and I certainly remember Mrs. Beck’s Latin class – not that I remember any Latin – but that I met my girlfriend (now wife), Terry Bullock."

Steve said his high school football coach (Jerry Potter) and baseball coach (Larry Geurkink) had a huge influence on him. After graduating, he went on to play football for the University of Tulsa, then professionally for the Seattle Seahawks as a record-setting wide receiver for 14 years (1976-1989) He set six NFL records and participated in seven Pro Bowls. He was inducted into the National Football League Hall of Fame in 1995.

Steve Largent was a member of the United States Congress, representing Oklahoma’s First Congressional District in the U.S. House of Representatives from 1994 to 2001. He is now President and CEO for the U.S. wireless industry’s largest trade association, CTIA-The Wireless Association.