Neal McCaleb
Neal McCaleb is a civil engineer and Republican politician from Oklahoma. The proud member of the Chickasaw Nation has served the national and Oklahoma state government in many capacities, bringing honor and recognition to his Native American heritage.
Neal graduated from Putnam City High School in 1953. He went on to attend Oklahoma A&M University (now Oklahoma State University) and graduated in 1957. He launched his own engineering and home building business, Arrowhead Homes, Inc., in 1961 before embarking on his successful political career.
Neal has received appointments from three presidents and four governors in his lifetime, and is held in high esteem both nationally and locally. His notable achievements and advocacy for Native American interests have had a strong influence in promoting a positive image for all American Indians.
His accomplishments include:
Ambassador at Large for the Chickasaw Nation
Appointed by President George W. Bush to Assistant Secretary of the Interior, Bureau of Indian Affairs (2001-2003)
Appointed to Oklahoma Secretary of Transportation (1995-2001), by Gov. Frank Keating
Named Director of Oklahoma Department of Transportation and Director of the Oklahoma Turnpike Authority (1995-2001) by Gov. Frank Keating
Named Oklahoma’s first Secretary of Transportation (1987-1993), by Gov. Henry Bellmon
Elected Minority Leader of Oklahoma House of Representatives (1979-1983)
Elected to Oklahoma House of Representatives (1975-1983)
Served on the Oklahoma Indian Affairs Commission (1967-1972)
Appointed by President Richard Nixon to the National Council on Indian Opportunity (1972-1974)
Appointed to the President’s Commission on Reservation Economies (1983-1984) by President Ronald Reagan
Appointed to the Board of Regents for the University of Arts and Sciences by Gov. Brad Henry
Named 2005 OSU Distinguished Alumni Award
Named 2011 OSU Native American Students Association, Distinguished Alumni
Inducted into the Chickasaw Hall of Fame in 1999
2011 Native American Newsmaker of the Year
Appointed as Ambassador of the Year by Red Earth in 2012