Emergency YES!Grants

An emergency grant should demonstrate the following:

  • time-sensitive

  • unable to be covered by district or school funds

  • aligns with district and Foundation goals

  • relevant to the applicant's area of focus

The Yes! Emergency Grant program cannot fund permanent solutions for classrooms, field trips, professional development, or food/beverages. We understand the challenges and needs of the district stretch beyond "emergencies," and we ask you to request funding assistance through these available channels:

  • Yearly grants - permanent solutions for classroom, school, and/or district

  • Support grants via DonorsChoose - for day-to-day needs, bursts of inspired ideation, and anything the platform will allow. The Foundation frequently contributes funding to Putnam City projects!

  • CAST Liaison - Foundation liaisons are incredibly knowledgeable and creative. They may have a connection to get your need met without spending a penny!

  • PTO - PTOs often raise funds specifically for things like classroom field trips and pizza parties.

Sample Emergency: A club receives notice that they qualify for a competition out-of-state in two weeks. The club's sponsor calls the Foundation to inform them of the opportunity. Club sponsor fills out and submits Yes! Emergency grant application. The Foundation reviews quickly. The project meets all criteria and the need has been demonstrated! The club sponsor/applicant is notified of the decision. Two days later, the Foundation places the approved funds in the hands of the club sponsor. Travel is confirmed, and the club is on its way!

Please submit all other requests for support via DonorsChoose

Each application is reviewed by Foundation staff and board members. The review and processing of your emergency grant proposal is 2-5 business days. Please keep in mind that due to limited resources, strong consideration will be given to grant proposals under $1,000 that adhere to the emergency grant criteria. Please review the guidleines for the Emergency YES!Grant as criteria has recenlty been updated.